864.558.4569 (GLOW)
Glow Lyric Theatre 2021
Covid-19 Safety Plan
The following pages outline the mitigation steps Glow Lyric Theatre is taking while preparing and executing its plan to reopen for public performances in August of 2021. This plan is labeled as DRAFT. It will remain as such as it is intended to be iterative and flexible to adjust to changing conditions. NOTE: These protocols are dated March 30, 2021 through June 30, 2021.They may be revised after June 30th as appropriate based on the science.
These protocols presume that all Glow Lyric Theatre company members (Board, Staff, Crew, Actors, Management, Administration, Instrumentalists) have been fully vaccinated. If not, we will make the appropriate accommodations.
“Fully vaccinated,” as defined by the CDC, is more than 14 calendar days following receipt of a final dose of an FDA authorized vaccine.
All activity will move forward in accordance with regulations from the South Carolina Department of Health, the South Carolina Governor’s Office and the CDC and under advisement of Danielle Hernandez from the Board of the Event Safety Alliance.
All company members must be fully vaccinated (i.e. two weeks after the last vaccine dose) as a condition of beginning employment. Proof of vaccination must be provided by company members to Stage Management at least two weeks prior to the start of your contract date, in one of the following forms:
- A Copy/Scan or photo of CDC card issued to you upon your first vaccination dose.
- A record from the healthcare provider who administered your vaccination
- A record from your state’s vaccine registry.
With respect to employees with known physical or mental disabilities, pregnancy related or other severe medical conditions, and/or sincerely held religious objections:
- Glow will engage in an interactive process in order to determine an appropriate accommodation and exemption if possible
- Glow will require documentation and a sign off from a medical professional or religious leader if member is unable to be vaccinated.
- Those who are unvaccinated will be asked to submit a negative Covid test 48 hours before they report to work as well as submit a negative test once a week and continue to wear a mask except when performing or playing.
- All medical information received in connection with this process will be kept confidential and maintained separate from employee personnel files.
We will have live performances at the Kroc Center as local conditions permit and it is reasonable to do. Decisions will be made weekly, starting 2-weeks prior to performances.
This plan separates our facilities into distinct spaces with specific guidelines for each.
A Covid Safe deputy has been identified for each space. Covid Safe Deputies are persons in upper administrative positions or department heads who have completed training with USITT and tasked with ensuring that covid protocols and safety expectations are being followed in each of Glow’s spaces. Any questions about Covid safety procedures or observations of protocol violation should be first reported to the corresponding deputy. Covid Safe Deputies have procedures to report to the Glow Board of Directors if safety protocols are not followed or if concerns are not met.
Those spaces deputies are:
Front of House Group: Brandon Graves
Production Group: EJ George
Performance Group: Alan Stogin
All Spaces: Jenna Elser
This manual breaks down the steps by measures taken within the Performance Group, Backstage/Production Teams, and in the Front of House. However, the basic tenets of individual responsibility remain the same:
- Practice these guidelines set forth by the CDC and GLOW’s Covid Safety Plan when interacting with a fully vaccinated company
- When interacting and coming into contact with members of your “group” (aka Performance Group, Backstage/Production Team and Front of House, you do not need to wear a mask or social distance.*Please note that the Performance Group does follow different mask guidelines for those in the group that are not performers. See “Performance Group” below.*
- When interacting and coming into contact with company members outside of your “group” (for the company meeting, costume fittings, tech week, etc) you must wear a mask and maintain social distance whenever possible.
- When interacting and coming into contact with the general public or any audience members, company members must mask and maintain social distance.
- There will be wristbands available to each company member indicating personal level of comfort with social distancing within your “group” that we ask each member to respect.
- If you are working in a shared space with those who are not members of Glow’s vaccinated company, you must adhere to the Covid guidelines of that space. Those Company members in the Production Group are encouraged to mask when in close proximity to others at PUI or if the roll doors are closed.
- Continue to wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Make use of the hand sanitizer stations in the facility.
- No eating is permitted inside any of the spaces. Company Members can eat and take breaks outside.
- Due to the low vaccination rate in South Carolina, as well as the increasing incident rate and spread of the Delta Variant, we ask that company members follow the World Health Organization’s recommendation that fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks and practice other Covid-19 pandemic safety measures out in public, at activities that are indoors, and when around those whose vaccination status is unknown. We ask that company members reasonably restrict and consolidate their public outings, and mask and social distance when doing so.
- If you present any one of the following conditions, stay home and contact your Open Safe Deputy for next steps:
- Have a temperature of 100.4 or above
- Present either new lack of smell/taste or new shortness of breath.
- Have two or more of the following symptoms: headache, sore throat, congestion or cough.
Make a commitment to transparency: In the course of monitoring yourself, please report any health concerns to your supervisor or a Safe Deputy.
All members of the company will provide a negative test result from a PCR test taken no earlier than 96 hours prior to the company member’s first rehearsal or meeting. Rapid (antigen) tests shall not be accepted. Ongoing testing shall be scheduled as needed to ensure the safety of the company, including half way through the season, before tech week.
Appropriate testing will be used guided by medical supervision when warranted by symptoms, or if needed to allow a new member to enter the established vaccinated group, or to allow a current member to re-enter the established vaccinated group after they have shown symptoms. If a vaccinated company member has been around someone who has COVID-19, they do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless they have symptoms. If a vaccinated company member displays symptoms, they must self-isolate until a negative test result is achieved
You can access free testing with relatively quick turnaround at the following locations:
Select CVS locations in the Upstate: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing
Greenville — Lowes
1900 Poinsett Highway , Greenville, SC 29609
Spartanburg — Lowes
2079 E. Main Street , Spartanburg, SC 2930
Find more free testing sites here: https://scdhec.gov/covid19/covid-19-testing-locations
- Anyone who is sick or tests positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to attend work until receiving a negative test or evaluated and cleared in writing by a licensed health care provider.
- The Safe Deputy will ensure that anyone with a positive test immediately self-isolates and contacts their licensed health care provider for further instructions. The Safe Deputy will stay in contact with anyone that is isolated due to a positive test.
- If an individual is confirmed positive for COVID-19, the vaccinated group must be retested while in person work continues. The Covid Safe Deputy will determine who has been exposed and what additional precautions are necessary. The CDC’s and local government’s public health recommendations for community-related exposure will be followed.
- Anyone who may have been exposed will be immediately notified. The producer will maintain confidentiality as required by applicable federal, state, and local law.
- The individual will be evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider or receive a negative test before being allowed to return to work.
All company members will fill out the Daily Health Form before they arrive to work or rehearsal each day.
Link to Daily Health Form: https://forms.gle/ngXCzd7ux8BkbJ4Y9
In the event that a company member notes a fever, answers “Yes” to either a new shortness of breath or new loss in sense of taste/smell; or TWO of the following-headache, sore throat, cough, the following will happen:
Stage Management will immediately notify Administration and Safe Deputy. The details will be sent via email and a text or slack notification will be sent notifying staff to check their email.
Stage Management and/or Covid Safe Deputy will then check in with the Member to confirm their symptoms.
The decision to test and pause the work day or performances will be made and communicated by leadership based on the protocols described previously in this document.
To start rehearsals, all in the Performance Group must submit a negative Covid-19 test and complete the daily symptom checks through the Symptom Check List Google Form. The Performance Group consists of actors, instrumentalists, stage management, production assistants, directors, choreographers, and rehearsal accompanists.
All staff, Performance Group, Technicians, and Production Teams will practice enhanced hygiene personally, including frequent handwashing and private consumption of food and beverages. All are also encouraged to go outside during meals. \
All staff regardless of group shall follow all applicable guidance and signage of the locations their rehearsals or duties occur.
Masks & PPE:
Everyone in the vaccinated Performance Group must wear a mask, except for the actors when rehearsing and/or performing. Directors, Choreographers, Stage Management, production assistants and rehearsal accompanists must mask during rehearsals and performances. Instrumentalists and actors are considered performers and do not need to mask in rehearsals or performances. Please note this policy may be updated or changed as the situation merits.
Audience and Public Interaction
- No visitors will be allowed backstage.
- There must be at least six (6) feet between audience members and the stage. There will be absolutely no interaction between the actors and patrons.
- Autograph signings, Meet-and-Greets and backstage tours are strictly prohibited.
- Approval of press events will be given by the COVID-19 Safety Deputy and a CSO must accompany members of the cast to all press events outside of the venue or employer-provided venue.
- Talkbacks may only happen if the participants remain onstage and audience remains at least six (6) feet away from the stage.
- In-person presentations (i.e. preshow speakers or talkback moderators) to the audience may only be made by a member of the vaccinated group.
- The venue may only be shared with other shows and/or organizations under the following circumstances:
- All organizations are fully vaccinated. OR
- If the organizations are not in the building at the same time as thevaccinated group, and there is adequate time for air changes and cleaning to take place
Cleaning & Sanitization
- Daily cleaning of low and high-touch areas in the theater and rehearsal halls is required, including restrooms.
- Props, sets, microphones, transmitters, and headsets that actors and stage managers use will be cleaned after each use. Costumes will be disinfected after each use. All costumes and props will be disinfected between each use by production staff. Washable costume pieces will be laundered frequently, un-washable costumes will be sprayed with vodka. Shoes and hats will be sprayed with Lysol spray nightly.
- Hand props and scenic furniture will be sanitized between each day of use. The Stage Manager will be responsible for implementing this protocol.
All Production & Design Team workers will submit a negative Covid-19 test before their first day of work as well as submt their daily symptom checks to Production Management, through the safety check form. The Production Group consists of production managers, technical directors, set, lighting, costume, props, sound and video designers, their assistants and their build crew members.
Production & Design Team workers must adhere to the Covid Safety guidelines of Productions Unlimited, Inc when working in the PUI space.
Mask Policy: “If you have been fully vaccinated, we are not requiring you to wear a mask when you enter our building. If you prefer to wear a mask and would like any of our staff that you interact with to wear one, please let us know and we will comply.”
We are continuing to follow CDC guidelines and will post any changes on the doors to the building. We encourage people to be aware of their symptoms and temperature. An infrared thermometer is mounted just inside the main entrance if anyone wishes to check their temperature. We encourage frequent and proper handwashing, and still encourage social distancing. Hand sanitizer is available at the receptionist’s desk as well for anyone to use.
Build/Shop Safety
The roll door at Productions Unlimited should be up at all times while in the shop when allowed to increase fresh air.
Meals should be eaten outside.
Please maintain 6’ of distance whenever possible.
Please wash hands for at least 20 seconds regularly.
During load in and tech, all production team and design workers must follow the same mask, daily symptom checks, social distancing and hand washing procedures as in the shop.
Additionally, whenever possible, Production Teams are encouraged to take breaks or have needed conversations outside.
Fittings should take place in the Dressing Rooms. Actor should go into the Dressing Room to change, while costume designer stays in the hall area. No one else should be in this section of backstage during fittings.
Costume designer will wear mask when having to touch/get within 6’ of actor/s.
Actor will go into main rehearsal room/theatre for review by director, to maintain distance.
All costumes and props will be disinfected between each use by production staff.
Washable costume pieces will be laundered frequently, un-washable costumes will be sprayed with vodka. Shoes and hats will be sprayed with Lysol spray nightly.
The Sound Designer, A1 or A2 will wear a mask when having to touch/get within 6’ of actor/s.
Each microphone element must be carefully clean/disinfected before each show and between two show days. Disinfection/cleaning should be based on the manufacturer recommendations so as not to damage the equipment.
All Front of House workers will submit a negative covid-19 test before their first in person day of work, as well as submit their daily symptom checks to Production Management, through the safety check form. The Front of House group consists of Box Office, Marketing, Development and House Management staff and their interns/volunteers.
- All Front of House personnel must wear a mask when interacting with the audience and members of the public, before, during and after performances. All areas will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis.
- Front of House and Box Office personnel will monitor traffic flow to keep crowds from forming and lines socially distanced. Signage at the main entrance of the Kroc Center will contain mask/social distancing policies.
- Person to person contact will be limited, total building capacity will be reduced, available theatre capacity will be limited to less than 160 seats (out of 320 capacity), seats will be spaced further apart (3 feet between each pod), the first row will be eliminated (audience is six feet away from the lip of the stage), cash will not be accepted, and no food concessions will be sold.
- High Touch areas will be limited, tickets will be digital, doors will beopened by staff, no physical programs will be distributed
- Side exit doors will be opened by Front of House staff after the performance to discourage lingering.
- Free standing hand sanitizer stations will be present throughout the building.
- Entry into building: All patrons will be funneled through the main building entry door, where they will encounter a sign directing them to STOP and read the Health Screening Check questions. The sign will state that by continuing toward the theater lobby, the patron agrees that none of these health concerns apply to them. The signage will also include the Glow Mask Policy. As of now, vaccinated patrons are strongly encouraged to wear a mask in the lobby and during the performance, but not required. Those who are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated must wear a mask while in the lobby, theatre and before, during and after the performance.All Glow Front of House Staff must wear a mask when interacting with the public.
- Distancing: Staffer will oversee/direct patrons as they wait at the box office or for entry into the theatre to ensure compliance.
- Box Office: Patrons will be checked in by Front of House Staff when they arrive. No physical tickets nor cash will change hands. If a walk-up patron comes to the box office, we can use the credit card swipe for them to purchase. Upon showing their email confirmation, they can enter.
Swag/Glow Information Station: All sales will be cashless, unless patron has correct change/requires no change. A card reader will be provided for card payment at both booths. Hand Sanitizer will be placed by card readers/Ipads.
- Theatre Seating: All patrons/patron groups will be seated a distance of at least 3 feet from other patrons or staff that are not a part of their pod or household. Theatre staff will oversee/ensure this distance is maintained. A middle aisle is present so patrons will be escorted to their seats by staff, in a safe pattern, not crossing across other patrons. The Kroc Center seating chart has modified pod seating for groups of two and four. Any groups larger than this may sit together without social distancing with help from present Ushers.
- Intermission/Concessions: There will be no intermission or food concessions for any of Glow’s 2021 Summer Festival Productions.
- Restrooms:The Restrooms located in the lobby (the single family restrooms) as well as those located down the hallway by the main entrance (multiple stalls), will be cleaned each day before performances and after performances. Restrooms located in the dressing rooms will be cleaned once daily.
- Exiting/Post Show: No post show meet & greets, patrons will be politely requested to leave the building as soon as possible, with staff ensuring social distancing is maintained until patrons are out of the building safely.
We encourage everyone in the Glow Lyric Theatre Company to follow these safety precautions as much as possible, for the safety of all. THE PLAN BEGINS AND ENDS WITH THE IDEA OF COLLECTIVE COMMITMENT. WE ARE COLLEAGUES, NOT ENFORCERS. WE DO THIS BECAUSE WE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER AND WHAT WE CREATE TOGETHER, NOT BECAUSE WE ARE FORCED TO.
Self-select a representative Open Safe Deputy from within their numbers to serve as liaison with Glow leadership.
Make a commitment to transparency: In the course of monitoring yourself and your household,
report any health concerns to your supervisor or your Open Safe deputy.
Perform and submit daily temperature and symptom checks. Due prior to the first call of the day.=
Socializing with people outside of the bubble is permitted, so long as the social activity follows the current CDC Safe Activity Guide: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/participate-in-activities.html
Please review the following information and abide by the policies required by the KROC Center, which are provide below:
The chapel is roughly 3,600Sq ft and 30 feet tall. Making it 108,000 cubic feet. And the stage is another 1200sqft making it 36,000 cubic feet. Combined at 144,00Sqft. And the three units are a combined 26,600 cfm. So, you are filtering and treating all the air every 5-6 minutes.
Starting Monday, May 17, masks will still be required for those ages 12+ who are not fully vaccinated. Masks will be required at all times unless actively participating in the following:
- Aquatics class, lesson or program
- Fitness exercise, class or training
- Youth or adult sports
Masks must be worn for those who are not fully vaccinated before and after participation in any of the aforementioned activities. Masks will also not be required while actively eating or drinking, or while showering.
Although not required, fully vaccinated people may choose to continue to wear a mask.
Thank you,
Kroc Leadership
Kroc Greenville COVID-19 Guidelines
Kroc Greenville is working to keep our team members and guests safe in our facility. Below are a list of guidelines and protocols that Kroc Greenville is following.
You’ll see some health screening questions at the front doors. By entering the facility, you are agreeing that none of these health concerns apply to you.
Please stay home if you have tested positive for COVID-19, are awaiting test results, or are showing any symptoms. Please do not return to Kroc Greenville until it is safe to be around others. Please visit the CDC website here for more information.
Please stay home if you have had close contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case in the past fourteen days. Please visit the CDC website here for more information.
Hand sanitizer is located throughout the building. Our cleaning crew is diligently cleaning and sanitizing spaces throughout the building multiple times a day.
Please make sure you are reserving spaces online to help ensure we are not exceeding our limited capacity during this time.
Disclaimer: Kroc Greenville will do everything possible to follow State guidelines regarding COVID-19 during this time. Although provided in good faith, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the adequacy or completeness of these guidelines. By reserving a space and/or visiting Kroc Greenville, you recognize that you are resuming activities at our facility at your own discretion and at your own risk.
Mask Policy: “If you have been fully vaccinated, we are not requiring you to wear a mask when you enter our building. If you prefer to wear a mask and would like any of our staff that you interact with to wear one, please let us know and we will comply.”
We are continuing to follow CDC guidelines and will post any changes on the doors to the building. We encourage people to be aware of their symptoms and temperature. An infrared thermometer is mounted just inside the main entrance if anyone wishes to check their temperature. We encourage frequent and proper handwashing, and still encourage social distancing. Hand sanitizer is available at the receptionist’s desk as well for anyone to use.